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Qualis Capes Quadriênio 2017-2020 - B1 em medicina I, II e III, saúde coletiva
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The insecure environment

Malaquias Batista Filho1; Maria de Fátima Costa Caminha2; Déborah Lemos Freitas3

DOI: 10.1590/1806-9304202300000002 e20230001

The environment is the new war "front". The apparent peace, which has never been legitimized, remains in a state of latent belligerence because of the environmental insecurity that, to a greater or lesser extent, affects all countries and even all the location in the world in different ways. How to make a healthy environment? This question, if this is not a driving question, is one of the biggest problems nowadays and even the future and its close and even remote prospects. Not to mention the conventional war, with all its arsenal of destruction and the insecure environment universalizing it self as a climatic punishment, without historical precedent.

We could even elect the heat wave that, for one or two days (a little less than 48 hours timing it in the precision of a clock) killed 2000 people in the old Europe of the dolichocephalic whites in the United Kingdom, in the Luso-Spanish peninsula, the whites of Germania and Belgium, in the rugged and cold mountains of Sweden and Denmark, in the lonely (but also cold) Ireland, in the rugged sea craters that forml and/water geographic mass if in the North Seas, in the United Kingdom of Scotland, in so many lost is lands of the North Atlantic. And there is a little warmth left for the vast lands of the Northern hemisphere: the cold Canada and its neighbor, the United States of America. From Alaska, one only speaks: heat waves here and there, disrupt the migration of salmon and even the back and forth between the West and the Euro-Arctic Region.

Where did so much heat come from, to the once, cold lands? Has the world gone crazy, as TV comedies once and a while show? To be on the safe side, the United Nations is trying to bring some order to this, as we shall say, great entropy, showing that it Will not be easy to manage this challenge.

In its Executive Summary, the twelf the dition of the United Nations' report dealing with climate issues has be enechoing information and continuous warnings that the climate change is not in the distant future. Extreme weather events around the world such as floods, droughts, forestfires, hurricanes, and heat waves have continuously hitting the news. And it already anticipates that thousands of people have been killed and certainly, the economic losses are measured in trillions of dollars.1

We are at the advent of a cycle, reading in the health charts of the world population and their most drastic outcomes, these warnings are worth as na early announcement of na epidemiological panel marked as a relevance to humanity. And there are no more words to reach the conclusion: climate change and extreme winds can be attributed to the accumulation of gases that generate the Green house Effect movements. Green house gases (GHG), continuously thrown in to the atmosphere. It is the methane gas from the ruminants' bellies, the CO2 from the combustion of engines in closed chambers, that is the main and the great source of theen vironmental pollution in our days, months and years. We are a big part of the enormous problem. So, we will have to be, to a large extent, the solution itself. It is a technical and ethical feedback to break the circular cause, effect and cause, feedingback on each other.

The United Nations office, in the name of sustain able development, set up in Kenya, in the geographic heart of Africa, operates just a few degrees in the North and South latitude. One can only imagine the enormous challenge of monitoring the environmenton a global scale. You see, the responsibility on be half of the United Nations was to monitor the interests and businesses, on be half of planet Earth, through a network agenda of 193 countries. Its outcomes: from small earthquakes as new events, to the "generous" bleeding of the Waters of São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro dam, copiously spilling into the middle tributary of the Paraíba River, after 18 years without floods. Of course, this is na example that is unlikely to reach the offices of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).2 The example of São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro, home town of one of the co-authors of this article, could be occasionally and even have a "sense of humor", but it is peculiar. Seriously, very serious indeed, is that, within a decade, the Earth's global warming may reach 1.5% to 2.0%, it would (or will) be a terrifying condition, if the United Nations does not speak about this for months: a similar crisis will come to humanity. and it is worthwhile, to add value to the issue, to inform that the report was guided by na experienced management team prepared by na international group of leading scientists, taking the guidelines with all the available information.


1. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Emissions Gap Report 2021: The Heat Is On – A World of Climate Promises Not Yet Delivered. Nairobi, Kenya: UNEP; 2021. [acesso em 2021 Dez 9]. Disponível em:

2. Intergovernamental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, USA: IPCC; 2022. [acesso em 2022 Dez 9]. Disponível em:

An invitation made by the Editor in Chief: Lygia Vanderlei

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